Referring to TICA By-Law Section 25: ELECTION
The Board of Directors is officially elected to administrate and represent the association. The Board consists of at least seven active members appointed at the General Meeting. Election is to be scheduled as agreed upon in the General Meeting. Appointed members voted on to the Board of Directors must hold a position equivalent to at least an assistant manager position.
1. If you have submitted a pre-nomination form, it is necessary that the person nominated has accepted the following:
a. Attending the AGM in person
b. Acceptance by letter
2. Nomination from the floor:
a. Person nominated must be present to accept nomination.
b. If not present, the nominator should have an official written confirmation from the nominee.
Nominated person(s) MUST be equivalent to at least Assistant Manager or above.
Remark: You may nominate members in any category, however, you can only vote for members in your own category.